Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chicken tractors

Have you ever heard of them?
Do you have one?

Well I would love to own one and hope to create one for our lovely chickens.
I have pictures and designs that inspire me.

This one on top looks cozy and a bit small for six rhode island reds. But it's cute.

I was drawn to this tractor until I saw the one below

This coop looks like a tree house for chickens, don't you think? I guess I am thinking I am tall and I want to beagle to stand and get this yummy eggs.

So if you own one could you share with me your plans? Failures? And even
ideas? I hope to find more chicken tractor ideas.

- Jenn B.


Maureen said...

My suggestions--you want something with wheels to make it easier to move...that's the one thing ours is missing and something Ken wishes it had, and you will want to be able to access the wired area--and one observation--the last one looks like our bunny hutch! :>)

Jenn said...

Wheels are something that we will have with a door to the fence area. We also have to make sure the cat can't get under the fencing. She has tried once.

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