Well, We are going to be going into our 8th year of homeschooling ( wow 8 years) We were schooling 4 and now I have 3. Charles my 18yr old has graduated and is not focused on working full time and probably not going to go to collage till he is ready ( all is God's time).
So I have Sona who is going into 11th grade, Bekah going into 5th grade and Chris who is going into 3rd.
I would like to share what they will be doing this year for school.
Sona's school year is inspired by two differant web sites .
One is Ambleside yr 11 and also the Old fashion eduaction 11th grade
Math- Stewardship Consumer math
History- Beacon lighs of History Vol 12 and 14
Literature and poetry- Invisible man, Dracula, Journey to the interior of the earth, and Uncle Tom's cabin / The Best Loved Poems of the American people
Bible- Romans, Colossians, Hebrews, Titus, 1 and 2 Chronicles , Obadiah, 1 and 2 Timothy, Isaiah, Joel, and 1 and 2 Peters
Current Events- World Magazine
Biographies- Up from slavery, Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe
Writing and Grammar- Writing and Grammar 11th BJU
Spanish- Alpha Omega Spanish 1
Science- Apologia Chemistry
Music- Guitar and Vocals
Character Building- Passion and Purity and Quest for Love by Elisabeth Elliot
Vocabulary- BJU 11th grade
Now not all of this is on those 2 websites . Some of this is what I would like for her to do for the year.
I will do Bekah's and Chris's later.
When You Need Grace Enough: for the Most Exhausted of Mothers
I first met Anna E. Rendell years ago when she was a young mom and fellow
writer for (in)courage, DaySpring’s online community. She is now a seasoned
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