It must begin with the parents themselves. Unless their life together is loving and true it will be impossible for them to make their home life so. They give the keynote to the music. If their intercourse is marked by bickering and quarrellings they must expect their children to imitate them. If gentleness and affectionateness characterize their bearing toward each other the same spirit will rule in the family life. For their children’s sake, if for no other, parents should cultivate their own lives and train themselves to live together in the most Christlike way. They will very soon learn that good rules and wise counsels from their lips amount to but little unless their own lives give example and illustration of the things thus commended.
Can you tell I am getting a lot out of this book
When You Need Grace Enough: for the Most Exhausted of Mothers
I first met Anna E. Rendell years ago when she was a young mom and fellow
writer for (in)courage, DaySpring’s online community. She is now a seasoned
1 day ago
Thanks for sharing these wonderful nuggets...I'm getting a lot out of the book, too...through your blogs!
love to you...
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