April 1, 2020
Hello blogger people long time no blog. I use to do this every so often and I see that is has been since 2013?
Well , as you all my know the Corona Virus has hit planet earth like the new Big Bang ( not that I really believe in that ) but OMG.....So up date for me and my family. My husband and I are here in New Mexico since February helping my FIL ( who just turned 92 in March) with some upkeep and projects that he would like done. We are from New York State......... do I need to say more?!
So while we are here on the west coast my family is all on the east coast while Social distancing and trying to live there lives in close quarters. MY grandkids are being eschooled with the patience from my wonderful DIL while her husband is home working on project and taking cool videos of fox chasing there chickens!!!
My second born is a new mom to a 6 month old and id working......... in the ICU!!!! I am amazed and so proud of here not only doing the mom thing but being a nurse during all of this Corvid-19.
Number three is moving with her fiancé to our house . They are both laid off because of this virus and she is doing college online , plus trying to plan a wedding that is suppose to happen in August!!! ( Lord PLEASE )
Number four lives at home and now will have to share the house with his sister and future BIL. He still has work ( thank the Lord) .
I love my family and during all of this uncertainty and literally being on either coast lines fear can have a way of taking over my thinking.
So I leave you with this Scripture 1 Peter 5:7 AMP ...... cast all your cares [ all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [ with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]
I know we don't know what the future brings but I do know and believe that God has a plan ( I don't see it honestly) but I do know this in my heart.
Lets stay in touch world... I will try to post again.... this social distancing just might inspire me in one way or the other.
When You Need Grace Enough: for the Most Exhausted of Mothers
I first met Anna E. Rendell years ago when she was a young mom and fellow
writer for (in)courage, DaySpring’s online community. She is now a seasoned
1 day ago
Love this Jennifer!!! Thank you for sharing with us. Praying protection for all of you❤️
Catherine Pierce ��❤️
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