FOR TODAY .......June 29th, 2009
Outside my window...It's 6am and the birds are chirping
I am thinking...I am looking forward to this week...VBS, going away with my Husband
I am thankful for...fresh starts and new beginnings
From the learning rooms...Phonics, and Math
From the kitchen...Dirty dishes
I am black PJ's
I am creating...Quarterly reports that are due tomorrow
I am going... to VBS and at the end of the week Ticonderoga
I am reading...Boundaries
I am hoping...for a continued energy to be renewed in me
I am hearing...the house is very quiet
Around the house...little bits of things that need my attention
One of my favorite things...Cinomin on Toast ( homemade bread mmmmm )
A few plans for the rest of the week:.... Vbs, Quarterly reports, packing for trip, and swimming with my kids
Here is picture thought I am sharing...Bekah is my 10 yr old took this picture of her and her Dad... I think it's sweet
Take a look at this blog Grandmother Renn she is having us post our day books over here while Peggy is on vacation